A centralized approach for setting floating content parameters in VANETs
Jan 1, 2017ยท,,,,ยท
0 min read
Antonio Di Maio
Ridha Soua
Maria Rita Palattella
Thomas Engel
Gianluca Antonio Rizzo
Floating Content (FC) has recently been proposed as an attractive application for mobile networks, such as VANETs, to operate opportunistic and distributed content sharing over a given geographic area, namely Anchor Zone (AZ). FC performances are tightly dependent on the AZ size, which in literature is classically chosen by the node that generates the floating message. In the present work, we propose a method to improve FC performances by optimizing the AZ size with the support of a Software Defined Network (SDN) controller, which collects mobility information, such as speed and position, of the vehicles in its coverage range.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2017)